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Call for Paper

  • Mobile Computing
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Usability Studies
  • Mobile Communications
  • Mobile Computing
  • Mobile Hardware
  • Mobile Software
  • Hardware-Software
  • Co-Design (Participatory design)
  • Mobile Network Infrastructures
  • Protocols
  • Novel Mobile Devices
  • Smart Cards
  • Wearable Devices
  • Mobile Internet
  • Mobile e-Commerce and Multimedia
  • Carputers and Technologies
  • Application- specific Mobile Systems
  • Software Infrastructures for Pervasive System
  • Service Discovery Mechanisms and Protocols
  • Energy Aware Systems
  • Positioning and Tracking Technologies
  • Ubiquitous Computing
  • Middleware Services and Agent Technologies
  • Mobile Computing Applications
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Wireless Networks
  • Power Management and Control
  • Low-Power Protocols
  • Satellite-based Systems
  • Broadcast Networks
  • High Altitude Platforms
  • Global Positioning System
  • Location-based Service and Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Agents
  • Wireless and Mobile Applications
  • Routing
  • Multicasting
  • Resource Management
  • Wireless QoS
  • Wireless Network Architectures
  • Wireless Security
  • Personal Area Networks and Body Wireless Networks
  • Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
  • Node Placement and Topology Control Issues
  • Multi-user Detection
  • Mobile Wireless QoS
  • Radio Resource Management
  • Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
  • Radio Access Networks
  • Software-defined Radio
  • Reconfigurable Radio Networks
  • Wireless IP Networks
  • Interworking
  • Wireless Multimedia
  • QoS Adaptation
  • Disruption Tolerant Networks and Applications
  • Distributed Algorithms for Wireless Networks
  • Autonomous Mobile Sensor Networks
  • Sensor Networks
  • Ad Hoc Networks
  • Vehicular Networks
  • Underwater Networks and Underground Networks
  • Applications in Healthcare
  • Medical Imaging
  • Environment Monitoring
  • Industrial and Structural Monitoring
  • Smart Grids and Energy Control Systems
  • Smart Buildings and Smart Cities
  • Home Monitoring and Assisted Living Applications
  • Wireless Surveillance,
  • Smart Fabrics and Wearables
  • Defense and Security
  • Vehicular Networks, and novel applications
  • Security
  • Network Security
  • Security Algorithms
  • Mobile Network Security
  • Security in Contents Distribution Networks
  • Virtual Private Network
  • (VPN) Security
  • Tracing Techniques in Internet
  • Active Networks
  • Security in Grid and Cloud
  • Web Monitoring and Traps
  • Control Systems and SCADA Security
  • Transport-Level Security
  • IP Security
  • Electronic Mail security
  • Cryptographic and Related Methods
  • Security Protocols
  • Message Authentication Methods
  • Anonymity Technologies
  • Digital Signature Methods
  • Security Management
  • Surveillance Technologies
  • Security Policies
  • Channel Management
  • Digital Contents Copyright Protection
  • System Security Management
  • Information Security Management
  • Government Security Policy
  • Web Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerabilities Management
  • Information Assurance
  • Mission Assurance
  • Risk Assessment and Risk Management
  • Cyber Security Compliance
  • Security Auditing
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Access Control
  • Secure Use of Software
  • Biometrics and Forensics
  • Face Recognition Systems
  • Cyber Forensics
  • Forensic Analysis
  • Feature Extraction and Matching Algorithms
  • Embedded Systems Security
  • Security Architectures
  • Fault Attacks
  • Hardware Tamper Resistance
  • Smart Card Processors
  • Secure Storage Devices
  • Security in E-Commerce and M-Commerce
  • Watermarking
  • Cloud Computing Security
  • Database Security
  • Data Mining Security
  • Cyber Security Automation
  • Firewall Systems
  • Hacking Techniques and Related Issues
  • Intrusion Detection System
  • Honeypot
  • Virus Issues (Detection, Prevention)
  • Attack Graphs
  • Malware Analysis
  • Emerging Security Technologies